Here is a selection of my publications elsewhere on the web:
‘Energizing Cross-Border Cooperation in Central Europe’, IDM Blog
‘The Sticking Points: A Toxic Relationship with Fossil Fuels in the EU Candidate Countries?’, IDM Blog
‘Prioritising the Climate during EU Membership Negotiations’, IDM Short Insights
‘Cold Waters’, in: Sebastian Schäffer (Hg.): My Danube Story, Vienna 2023, S. 17–19
‘Selbstbestimmung in Österreich: eine Zeitreise durch 70 Jahre’, in: Info Europa, 2023/3, S. 20–21
‘Czech Republic: The Best Place For Cross-Country Skiing’, Travelista Club
‘Addicted’, Ten Tors, Dartmoor Magazine
‘A Café with a Difference’, The Definite Article, Issue 6, p13
‘Elsa Winokurow – Studentin, Migrantin, Ärztin. Ein bemerkenwertes Leben um die Jahrhundertwende.’ An online exhibition by the 17th year group of the Elite Graduate Program for East European Studies at the LMU Munich and the University of Regensburg.