On Learning to Fly

Ich war vierzehn, schüchtern und unsicher. Vor mir auf dem Tisch lag ein Anmeldeformular für einen Schüleraustausch in Deutschland mit dem Hinweis, dass Teilnehmer:innen extrovertiert und selbstbewusst sein sollten. Tja, ich fühlte mich nicht ganz …

Leaving Liberec

The hardest part of leaving was two weeks before I actually left. That’s when the reality of it hit me. Until then, it had seemed sufficiently distant not to think about it; but with only …

Spring in my Step

Have you unlocked the river yet? Have you hit your female friends with a birch branch and received a painted egg in return? Have you burned the witch on the fire? No? Why ever not? …

All in White

Waiting at the starting line: the countdown begins. Four… I was born on 4th February twenty three years ago. In honour of that momentous occasion, my brother came to visit me. No surprises: we went …

Making Friends

Moving abroad is often a daunting thought. Humans are essentially social creatures and you certainly wouldn’t be alone in asking yourself: How do I meet people? How do I make friends? It may not be …

Chaos in the Classroom

Words are indistinguishable beneath the screams. Some of the children have taken shelter beneath tables. Others roll on the floor or lie where they have fallen. Chairs have been turned upside down; the classroom is …