Just Keep Spinning
‘I’m hungry,’ I said. ‘Me too,’ said David, leaning over the reflections on his phone screen to get a better look at the map. A fat drop of water fell from my helmet onto my …
‘I’m hungry,’ I said. ‘Me too,’ said David, leaning over the reflections on his phone screen to get a better look at the map. A fat drop of water fell from my helmet onto my …
Cold: I see you. I see you in the naked, shivering trees. I see you on the lake, as you gust and skim across its steely surface. Cold: I feel you. I feel you with …
We were a long way from anywhere. A long way from the modern world – no phone, no internet, no electricity. The absence of electric light wasn’t an issue, of course: this far North, …
I am shivering as I stand at the side of the road, my thumb pointing to the sky, hoping. Earlier, it was perfect weather: the first sunny day this winter, and I regretted not …
The sign on the door confuses me: PLEASE KNOCK LOUDLY is printed beside a man in a black bowler hat who seems to be in the act of kicking his way in. Cautious of …
This cold scares me. They call it мороз. The frost. A misleading turn of phrase: a week ago, if someone had asked me what frost meant, I would have described a silvery morning in …
Walk through the city. Use your feet, your eyes: see the sun sparkle off the water: reach the harbour, the sea, the space. Boats trace paths across gentle waves; and the sun, chased by careless …
Bleak, bog-ridden, beautiful. Here I am again. I said I would not return, I would never return, but here I am. Too late, I ask myself why. The roar of the cannon is still ringing …
we sailed together stories shared of places you’ve been i’ve never been, but in your words and laughter the whole world over a slip of paper treasured от дедушки, you wrote remembered dreamt and …
Pain was never like this before. Pain that whips your breath away, that snatches all your energy from you in a matter of seconds. You can’t think, you just hear the screams. Three – two …